
I’m currently open and seeing clients via Zoom right now.

If you’re wanting to see someone in person, you might find another practitioner, as I don’t have plans to change this anytime soon. Energywork isn’t bound by time or space, so it’s just as effective from afar as in person!

How do I contact you?

Generally, the best way to reach me is to text 503-765-6153, give us your name and a little info as to why you’re reaching out. If I’m currently booked, or have a waiting list (which is common), I’ll reach out to you when I have space available. Because my schedule is so variable, that might mean I contact you in two days, or two months depending on availability. Once I take on a client, I will work with them regularly until the work is done, which means space only comes open when someone graduates out. I invite you to be patient and trust divine movement and timing; if we’re meant to work together, the guides will always find a way.

If you’re interested, I may also have you start work with an apprentice if I don’t have space available, or have you come to our student clinic, and step in to work with you when I have a spot open up. My apprentices are awesome, and are practicing at a level sometimes beyond where other working professionals are. I require a high level of rigor, practice, and oversight through the Balanzu Way School that I run, more than any other program of its nature.

Distance Work

I’m not sure how, put folks sometimes find me from across the country or the world, and I’m glad to do distance work since we’re living in a digital era. So wherever you are, if you feel a call to work with me, feel free to reach out as I’m seeing almost everyone through Zoom these days.


For all new clients, I’ll ask that you download, fill out our Balanzu Way intake form, and email it back to me at Please save it in a word file or pdf, and don’t try doing it on your phone! I invite you to use it as an opportunity to spend some time reflecting on your health, wellness, and goals for our work together. This helps me get to know a little about you and your background as we begin our work!


I’m no longer seeing folks in person, right now all sessions are virtual through Zoom due to Covid. 

However, I am still living on a farm because being in right relationship with this land gives me the grounding to work with you in a good way. I honor the first nations of this area, the Cowlitz, Chinook, the Multnomah, Molalla, and the Kalapuya, whose peoples have a long relationship with this land.

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